Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kitty Teeth?

Apparently kitties have dental needs as well as people do. I am worried about my kitties' teeth because they eat wet food, and I had heard in the past that dry food helps them keep their teeth cleaner...but with Teus' special needs, he has to have wet food.

So, I asked the vet what I should do...they didn't seem that concerned at this point, but did point us in the direction of some seafood-flavored cat toothpaste, which - unlike people toothpaste - is meant to be swallowed. Tonight I attempted to rub Teus' teeth with the fishy substance - which he seems to think tastes good, which is great! I am not sure how much plaque removal a finger can do, though, so I think I may need to get an actual toothbrush from the vet.

What a fiasco. I am only writing about this because the whole thing is so funny. You know, I have done so many things for this cat - including 2:00 am emergency vet trips, attempting to evacuate him myself (that did NOT work), giving him iv fluids, feeding him pills wrapped in cream cheese, feeding him liquid medicine from a squirter (FUN!), sitting in the bathroom with him for hours waiting for him to pee in his special plastic litter so we could take a urine sample to the vet, leaving him at the U of Mn animal hospital and praying that his surgery worked...loving him when I didn't know what else to do...

Anyway, it all makes trying to brush his teeth seem pretty mundane. I do think it is HILARIOUS that the bottle of paste says that their product makes keeping your pet's teeth healthy "as easy as 1-2-3!" I'd like to see them try to wrestle with Teus. :)

1 comment:

  1. oh kitties & special needs... remember inara's wobbly problem? yeah, all better. seems she just decided one day to be less wobbly and that went on for a week and now she's completely fine. never did figure out what was wrong. she's still super skinny, though, but the vet says she doesn't fall into the "underweight" category, thankfully. pet the kitties for me, k?

    - erin
